Thursday, February 3, 2011

Little India

Stop NE7
Because of the Lunar New Year I went to Little India (a bit late as it was already 3 o'clock). After taking the train from Clementi MRT to Little India MRT (after switching trains at Outram Park MRT) I arrived at the (all?) Indian part of Singapore. After walking around, I found within 2 minutes the food court of Little India. This particular food court has a lot of different cuisines. More cuisines than those in the food court located at my hostel.

I decided first to go and look around and found some very busy shopping streets. What I noticed was that there were a lot of jewelry stores, which also offered a sort of savings with (gold) jewelry. There were also a couple of temples, of which I attached one photo, and a mosque.
Departing MRT train from Clementi station
After a stroll of a hour, I decided it was time to try the food court at Little India, but it was so heavily crowded (as it may be one of the few food courts opened, I expect) that I decided to eat traditional Chinese food at a somewhat less crowded part of the court. Today I tried the dumpling soup, of which the photo is attached.
After eating the soup I returned to Clementi MRT station where I had to "top-up" my EZ-Link card. A EZ-Link card is an contact-less electronic payment card which can also be used to pay for things other than public transportation. It can be compared with the OV-chipkaart (The Netherlands) as it works almost the same but has a wider use range.
Tomorrow the stores will be open half a day so I can finally buy new food and water. The day after tomorrow most things will be returned to usual and life continues.

Little India's food court
Little India's food court
Dumpling soup
Little India's MRT station
Temple in Little India

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