Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to drink!

No news today, and sorry, no update regarding my internship today. I hope I can post some details next week. What I wanted to tell, is the way people in Singapore, and for that matter also in Korea, drink their coffee. Well, technically it is not even coffee. Here coffee, or kopi, is a mixture of coffee (or I hope so) with milk and sugar. It is not the first time I have drinking this kind of Asian coffee as it was the same in Korea, but you must say it is very typically. By the way, the same holds for the tea, which is also a mixture with milk and sugar. At the university also a variant of kopi and tea can be taken without milk, but the sugar remains.
Well other kinds of drinks you can drink are fresh fruit juices and canned soda. I do not see a lot of people drink water during lunch and diner time. But for the majority of the remaining time they are sipping water from a huge can, which can contain up tot 1 liter of water. I think that if you look around in Eindhoven at the University and look at Asian exchange students you can spot those cans. I have been given one myself, but the opening is, well, huge so drinking takes some time getting used to.
At this moment I was thinking about posting a video next week about my "journey" to the NTU every day, but I am still wondering how I should do it. I will think about it during the weekend!
Thanks for all the comments and till the next post!

1 comment:

  1. Hey lennie!

    Koffie cultuur, goed om over te lezen! Ben groot fan van meer koffiecultuur hier op zondagen bijvoorbeeld! Is dat daar een beetje, dat je echt 'gaat koffiedrinken' op zondag ofzo?

    Hier dit weekend teamweekend gehad met hockey, en morgen engineering optimization 2!

    Fijne dag en hoop dat je een goed weekend had!
    groetjes, marijke
