Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Again a whole day of internship...and no fourth floor

Today was my second (real) day of my internship. Eight hours of doing research and still no clue on where to begin. But I think it will come; tomorrow I have an appointment with my supervisor so we can discuss the project for one and a half hour. Hopefully this will make somethings clear as how and where to start. The project itself is quite nice as it is a mixture of the two main streams of Systems Engineering on the Eindhoven University of Technology. But as I do not know how much I can say about the project I will update you all later regarding some of the details. This was all I had to say about today and I will keep you all updated! By the way thanks for all the comments made on my blog! I really liked them!
Before I stop my blogging session, one last remark; because I was most of the day at the NTU I began to wonder, where the fourth floor was of the building I am currently housed. No, this is not regarding the fact that non of the Asian countries (or for what I know, the East-Asian countries) have no fourth floor, because the pronunciation of the word four resembles the pronunciations of the word death. No, it has something to do with the Eindhoven University of Technology and then especial the Mechanical Engineering building. Well have not found the fourth floor and I think it will take a long time before finding it as for what I have seen, it cannot exist.


  1. Hoi lennie,

    ik snap je niet helemaal geloof ik. Daar hebben ze nooit/meestal geen 4e verdieping vanwege de klank van het woord vier. Maar wat bedoel je precies met de 4e verdieping bij wtb hierzo in ehoven? Die zouden we moeten afschaffen? Help me out:)


  2. oh, en ik zie uit naar de details van je project!xx

  3. Hoi Lennart,

    Leuk dat je ons zo laat mee lezen met alles wat je meemaakt. Klinkt als een heel interessant land.

    Maar dat van die vierde verdieping van W-hoog snap ik ook niet?

    Gr. René

  4. Oi Len! Ik ben erg benieuwd naar de details van je project! Waarom die geheimzinnigheid? Is het zo'n ondergronds project? Iig heel veel succes!

    Tot skiepes! ^_^

    X Roos
